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'.$e->getMessage(); } ?> Tomatis

Tomatis method

Tomatis method

Metoda Tomatisa

The Tomatis® Method was created and perfected by Alfred TOMATIS (born January 1, 1920, died December 25, 2001), a French doctor who specialized in oto-rhino-laryngology. He devoted a significant part of his professional life to studying the relation between the ear and the voice, and by extension, between listing and communication.

His discoveries were made in the Sorbonne’s physiology laboratory and were then presented to the Academy of the Sciences and the Academy of Medicine in Paris in 1957 and 1960.

These discoveries were named the « Tomatis® Laws » :
• The voice only contains what the ear can hear ;
• if hearing is modified, the voice is immediately and unconsciously modified ;
• it is possible to transform phonation permanently by means of auditory sitmulation undertaken over a certain time (the law of remanence).

Tomatis Développement S.A. continues the tradition of the founder of the Tomatis® Method while also making this technique more comprehensible and accessible—and of course more effective thanks to technological progress and recent scientific research.

Tomatis Method®